Culture, Have you heard, Music, Dance, Community, Inspiration, Immersion, Experiment, Silly, Try again,

Culture, Have you heard, Music, Dance, Community, Inspiration, Immersion, Experiment, Silly, Try again,

UKH, or “UNGE- OG KULTURHUSET”, is a cultural center and powerhouse for youth culture in Grindsted. UKH caters to individuals seeking to engage in creative pursuits independently or collaboratively. Users have the opportunity to work on personal projects, influence the artistic direction of the establishment, and engage in various activities within the community at "Centralen," where we host a range of exciting events.


The youth and cultural center is a community of commitment. There is room here for all those who can and want to be part of the community. Therefore, it is expected of you to contribute to the house with a smile, good vibes, and take care of the house and those who are here. Read our rules under “House rules”.


UKH has 3 music rooms, where you can practice together or alone. It is recommended that you bring your own instruments.

We have a professional sound studio and after a quick introduction you can gain access to the sound studio. Record music, soundediting or start your own podcast - You name it.


At the Youth and Culture House, individuals have the opportunity to engage in creative pursuits through various projects. The studio is equipped for painting and drawing activities, and the workshops allow for flexibility in selecting tools and materials. Individuals are encouraged to establish their own creative communities or participate in existing ones within the facility.



If you are between 13-18 years old, UngBillund offers various beneficial opportunities. Weekly clubs are available every Tuesday from 7-9 pm, while an afternoon cafe is open on Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 3 pm. These gatherings provide an environment for social interaction, study assistance, recreational activities, and other enriching experiences. Additionally, UngBillund organizes regular events, workshops, and open sessions to engage and support the youth community. Detailed information regarding these activities can be found on their platform. Events

Get more information at the UngBillund website here

Billund kulturskole

Do you want to play, move yourself, or move others with your talent for dance, creativity, or music?

You can attend the Culture School in your free time at UKH, read more at

Attending the Culture School is much more than just going to music, singing, dance, and visual arts classes. You will also have a lot of fun experiences, both with your teacher and with other students. We often hold events where we showcase what we have created, and you will make new friends when you play, sing, paint, draw, or dance together with others.

violin og citat - dare to be different